About Me

I am Roland Burton.....ok, so I'm not "actually" Roland Burton, but if you watch the show "Army Wives", then you are familiar with the lone male military spouse. I've been married to a Soldier since 2006 and that is exactly how I've felt throughout the years. I've only met one other male military spouse during this time, but I have connected with a few wonderful female military spouses over the years that have accepted me with open arms and made the transition from duty station to duty station much easier. We have two beautiful girls and we love the military life. My name is Dee and I am a "Real Life Roland"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A new opportunity to reach people

I'm so excited to tell you all about my latest piece. I was given an opportunity to write an article for Baseguide, Military Spouse Magazine's official online community. I was honestly stumped about what I would write about, but a discussion over on MANning the Homefront provided great inspiration. So check out the link below and share it with a friend!